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Joanne Liu 劉凱欣


Speaker, TV Host,
Radio DJ




Rediffusion Singapore 麗的呼聲廣播 (新加坡), Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (now known as MediaCorp), and many others.


Renown TV host and radio DJ Liu Kai Xin 劉凯欣, with her GECKO® SATELLITE SCM 1820S active C.R.I.S.T.A.L.® Audiophile condenser microphone. Kai Xin uses the SATELLITE SCM 1820S as her main microphone for her works requiring the ultimate precision. Complementing her SATELLITE SCM 1820S are TRUTH T3AL audiophile-grade signal cables fitted with OLYMPIAN series audiophile-grade connectors.


“人的聲音來自神奇妙的創造,但通常人 似乎都不太懂得欣賞或珍惜。 我曾是電台及電視台的節目主持人,如今是以講師/講員身份到各機構或教會或個人教導或見証分享,因此一支能把我原有的聲音保留的麥克風,我認為非常重要!

我曾在五年得鼻咽癌,經過化療及電療過程,如今能保留原有的聲音, 絕非理所當然,為此我非常感恩。有幸認識GECKO®音響系列的負責人Dr. Daniel,也曾在一次音樂會聽見非 GECKO® 麥克風與 使用 GECKO® microphone截然不同的效果,真知道能擁有一支合乎自己的聲音,制作專業的麥克風,對需要站在眾人面前說話或唱歌的人來說,是何等的寶貴及難得!

我感謝 GECKO MUSIC GROUP 公司能接受我.成為 GECKO® 產品代言人. 日后定當除個人人使用外也會推薦給其他有需要的人 。


The human voice is a miraculous creation from God, but usually people don’t seem to appreciate or cherish it. I used to be a presenter for radio and TV stations, but now I am a lecturer/speaker for various institutions and churches, teaching and sharing my personal testimony. Therefore, I believe that it is very important to have a microphone that can produce one's natural voice!

I had nasopharyngeal cancer for the past 5 years. After undergoing chemotherapy and electrotherapy, I am grateful that I was able to regain my voice. I will not take my voice for granted ever again. Fortunately, I met Dr. Daniel, the person-in-charge of GECKO® MUSIC GROUP. I heard a big difference in sound quality between a GECKO® microphone and a non-GECKO® microphone while being used while attending a concert. It is so precious and rare for those who stand in front to speak or sing to have a microphone that produces such natural sound.

I thank GECKO® MUSIC GROUP for accepting me to become a spokesperson for GECKO® products. In addition to my own personal use, I will be recommending this to other people.

Thanks again!

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